Mother married to his own Son.

A post is going viral on social media in India about which it is claimed that the mother and son are married but now this news has been proved wrong.

According to a viral post on social media, a woman named Raja Shri Silva Kumar shared 2 photos on social media and said that her son was 12 years old when her husband passed away. "My son proposed to me after college and we both got married in 2016. We now have a three-year-old son."

The post attributed to the woman went viral as soon as it surfaced on social media, the news of which reached Raja Shri Silva Kumar. After seeing this post, the woman said on Twitter that there is no truth in these news and people should refrain from spreading false news.

Raja Shri Silva Kumar also shared a link to his Instagram page which suggests that she and her husband are physiotherapists. Most of the pictures on her page were taken while working in the clinic. According to Channel India Today, the couple using the photos to describe the marriage as a mother-son marriage is actually from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and is in a state of shock after the post went viral.


  1. Please remove this post. You havw taken our pic from our page without permission and posted it. Plus we dont want anymore write up about this or anymore circulations going on. We are mentally sick and tired. Your help is much appreciated.

  2. We have made a police report,as well as cyber crimes unit in Malaysia and India. If this post and our pics are not removed, I will be incouding your blogs name in my statement that I will be giving on Monday.


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