Modi govt fails to crack down on corona virus in India, experts are helpless

The Modi government of India has failed to curb the global epidemic "Corona" in its country and thousands of new cases are being reported daily. In the last 24 hours, 53,601 new cases have been reported in India while 871 deaths have been recorded due to Corona virus.

According to the latest figures from the World War on Novel Corona virus epidemic, the total number of cases of Novel Corona virus in India rose to 2,268,676 on Tuesday, while the death toll rose to 45,257 from 45,000, according to figures released by the Indian Ministry of Health. In the last 24 hours, the number of new cases in India has increased by 53,601, while 871 deaths have been recorded due to the virus, while more than 47,000 people have recovered during the same period.

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