McDonald's staff did embarrassing with a Muslim female employee.

A McDonald's employee who converted from Christianity to Islam in the United States was treated so shamefully by her co-workers that the girl eventually went to court. According to Mail Online, the 28-year-old Diamond Powell, a Baltimore resident, worked at a McDonald's branch at BWI Marshall Airport between 2016 and 2018, where she was often harassed and converted by co-workers. But he was ridiculed.

"My co-workers sexually harassed me," Diamond said in his application. They often asked me sarcastically if I was a virgin. They would not even allow me to pray in a clean place. They only allowed me to pray in a dirty storeroom. They used to force me to pray in this filthy room. One of the managers even banned me from praying. “

 Diamond is an American citizen who converted to Islam in February 2017, and has been wearing the full Islamic veil ever since. She also wore the hijab at work and her co-workers ridiculed her for wearing the hijab. "Once my manager ordered me to take off my hijab," Diamond said. Another manager once mocked my prayers and said that you should not wait for your God to wake up to pray. ”

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