Marriages and divorces of movie stars and business tycoons, are both expensive

Marriages of movie stars and business tycoons are also expensive and then divorce is also expensive.

South Korean actor Sang Jong divorced a year later. The couple will share ڈالر 85 million in assets.

It's not just Amazon's Jeff Bezos who has had the most expensive divorce. From South Korean drama stars and Indian Bollywood actors to Chinese businessmen, some of Asia's most expensive divorces have taken place.

South Korean drama actors Sang Jong Ki and Sang Hai Kyu filed for divorce last year. He has 85 85 million in assets which will be split between the two.

Most of these assets belong to Song Hai Qi. The actress owns three properties worth $12.3 million.

The most expensive divorce in the world came from the wife of Chinese biotech billionaire Du Weiman, whose wealth skyrocketed after the divorce. Yuan Lipping, 49, received half the fortune from her ex-husband, valued at $3.2 billion.

South Korea's eighth-richest man, She Tae-wan and chairman of the SK Group, filed for divorce when his wife, Roh Soo-young, demanded $1.2 million from him.

Indian actor Hrithik Roshan and his wife Suzanne Khan divorced in 2014. Hrithik Roshan paid Suzanne 50 50 million.

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