Instagram and live Tik Tok are now in competition...

The Chinese app Tik Tok has gained rapid popularity around the world in recent years, and realizing this threat, Facebook-owned photo-sharing app Instagram has also launched a feature-based feature copy of the anti-competition app. Reels) was introduced in November last year.

The tick-tock clone was introduced in Brazil last year, followed by Germany, France and more recently in India.

Now, in view of the controversy over the ban on tick-tock in the United States, Facebook has taken the opportunity to introduce it to the world.

Starting August 5, it will be available to Instagram users, who will be able to post 15-second videos like tick-tock with various audio and visual effects.

Users will be able to access the rails directly from the Instagram camera and the option will be available below.

 In addition, users will be able to browse other users' relay videos in the Explore tab.

According to Facebook, a number of editing tools for Instagram releases, including a catalog of tunes and AR effects, are being introduced.


The company said the new tool would be available to users in different countries in the next few days or weeks.

The tool was introduced at a time when there is a dispute between Byte Dines, a company owned by Tik Tok, and the US administration.


Recently, the US President had threatened to sign an executive order banning tick tack in the US and asked it to sell it to a US company by September 15.


It seems that if this happens then Facebook wants to fill this gap with Instagram releases.


Facebook's proprietary app is trying to suppress Tik Tok in the same way it did with SnapChat.


That is, the Story feature was gradually rolled out to all users, and is now one of the most popular features on Instagram, and is used daily by as many people as not all SnapChat users.


Short videos like Tik Tok are now being fitted into the Instagram interface.


Facebook expects that with this feature, it can attract millions of tick-tock users who will also like other popular features on Instagram.


In November, Ruby Stein, Instagram's product managing director, said that Tik Tok was credited with popularizing the format, a statement made by Instagram founder Kevin Sistrom about SnapChat before stealing the Stories feature and introducing it. I said that all the credit goes to them.


Chinese companies have always been criticized for imitating American companies, but this time the American company has stolen their feature.


However, Ruby Stein said that the two products are not the same and sharing videos with music is a global idea in which we think everyone will be interested.

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