Husband addicted to video game, wife reaches court for divorce.

Fed up with her husband's video game addiction, a woman in Saudi Arabia has gone to court demanding her divorce so that she can get rid of this painful life.

According to the Saudi website, the Saudi woman hired a lawyer to divorce her husband. The woman says that the husband is very careless, so lost in the computer game that neither he nor I care. Of children

Applying to the local law firm, the woman said that she was fed up with her husband's indifference and carelessness. The husband was busy on his mobile phone for hours as soon as he came home, which disrupted his family system. Is left

The woman said that her husband does not take care of her or the children, she just does not get time from her game which has exhausted her patience.

The woman repeatedly demanded a divorce from her husband but he refused, so she has now turned to a lawyer to get a divorce from the court and get rid of this life.

The law firm is studying the woman's case so that she can file a divorce case in court.

In this regard, psychologists said that sometimes trivial matters become the cause of conflict, in which case the parties should act with courage and prudence because the separation of husband and wife is not the solution to the problem but the negative of the process. The effects are on the children and their future is in danger.

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