How to find out about people's income from hair? Scientists made big claims

Would you believe that hair alone makes it possible to know what kind of food you eat, what your income is and what diseases you may face in the near future?

Scientists have claimed in a study in this regard.

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of America, hair samples were collected from 65 hair communities in the United States.

Research from the University of Utah in the United States has found that it is now possible to learn about the eating habits found in people's hair.

Analyzing the amino acids in the hair, the researchers identified the source of protein in people's diets.

If you don't know, know that proteins found in meat and vegetables are very interesting and can be identified in hair samples.

In fact, the researchers analyzed the hair and accurately predicted dietary habits, while they also found that low carbon levels in the hair meant that the person spends more on lifestyle, or let's say a rich person.

They also discovered that medical hazards can be predicted in people from every community by learning about eating habits through hair.

Suppose that people who have a tendency to eat more meat than their hair may be residents of areas where obesity and blood vessel diseases are more prevalent.

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