Homes that become examples of resistance.

In terms of construction activity, China's record is impressive, with construction ranging from a 1,640-foot-wide radio telescope to a 26-mile-long bridge.

But new construction requires space and local residents have to vacate their space for this purpose, but most people in China refuse to leave their homes because they think compensation is being paid too little.

These places left in the middle of development projects in China are called 'nail houses' because they look like nails.

Here are some of the nail hoses that will amaze you.


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One such house is located on the 4-lane motorway in Zhengzhou, which narrows the road to 2 lanes, and vehicles have to be very careful to pass through. Residents of the house have been living there since October 2016, when the highway was completed and opened to traffic. The owners of the house were offered a large sum of money by the local administration, but they refused.


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Significant is a house in Shanghai that has stood tall in the middle of the street for 14 years, challenging the 'government writ'. But the house, located in the middle of a busy highway, was finally demolished after 14 years. In exchange for the house being demolished, the owners were given four flats and 2.7 million Chinese yuan (about 4.5 million Pakistani rupees).


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An old nail-like residential building in the middle of a newly built bridge in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, whose owner refused to sell it.


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A surviving house in the middle of an under-construction highway in China's semi-autonomous region of Guangzhou Zhuang.


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An elderly couple refused to allow their house to be demolished and now stands alone on the highway in their village in Zhejiang Province.


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An apartment complex is to be built on the vacant lot, but the owner of the house in the middle refused to sell his house.


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The owner of the somewhat demolished Nile House stopped his house from being completely demolished for a small fee.


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According to Chinese media, the owners of the house in the middle of the road refused to give the house to the government due to dispute over compensation and now the road has been built on both sides while the house is standing there.


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The only house in front of a shopping mall in Hunan Province that looks a bit strange.


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The building in the photo was refused sale, after which residents were forced to live without electricity and water.


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A house that has become an obstacle to the construction of a new building in the Hafei area of ​​Anhui, with a banner saying, "We demand the government to punish the criminals who tried to demolish my house, return my land to them." Should do


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A Nile House on the outskirts of Nanjing, which every attempt to demolish failed.


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As can be seen in the picture, excavations have been carried out for a high-rise apartment building around this lonely house.


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The partially demolished house is located in Hunan Province, and in the picture you can see its owner collecting water, as the house has been cut off from water and electricity.


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The three-story Nile House is located in the middle of a newly constructed highway in Hainan.


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There are many blue houses in this rich area of ​​Shanghai whose residents have decided that they will never leave their homes.

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