Foreign Ministry spokesman fired over statement on contacts with Israel : Sudan


Foreign Ministry spokesman fired over "unauthorized comments" on Sudan's relations with Israel

AFP news agency quoted Sudan's state media as saying that a Foreign Ministry spokesman had made "unauthorized remarks" about normalizing relations with Israel, indicating that Sudan should resume diplomatic relations with Israel. Is in touch for

"Foreign Minister Omar Qamaruddin fired Haider Badawi, a spokesman for the ministry and head of the media division," the state news agency said in a statement.

Read more : Sudan has also expressed its intention to establish relations with Israel.

Haider Badawi asked if there had been direct contact between Sudan and Israel, or whether Khartoum had taken steps to normalize relations with the Jewish state or to sign a peace agreement. "I can't deny it," he said.

Haider Badawi also told Sky News Arab television that "there is no reason for the continuation of enmity between Sudan and Israel."

Later, Foreign Minister Omar Qamar al-Din said the Sudanese government had never discussed the question of relations with Israel.

Omar Haider Qamaruddin added in the statement that "Haider Badawi's statement surprised us because he was not authorized to comment on the matter."

It should be noted that the Israeli media had said that Bahrain or Oman and even Sudan could be the countries establishing relations after the United Arab Emirates.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of Sudan's Interim Autonomous Council, met with the Israeli prime minister in February, after which it was thought that Sudan could end its boycott of Israel.

Shortly after the meeting in Uganda, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the two leaders had agreed to work together to normalize relations.

Sudan's cabinet later denied that Abdel Fattah al-Burhan had promised to normalize relations.

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