Flood in Chitral as Glacier erupts.

Glacier eruption in Yar Khun Lashst area of ​​Chitral caused flood, in which many houses were washed away and a girl drowned.

In Upper Chitral, a glacier erupted at Yar Khun Lashst, causing floods in the canals. DC Upper Chitral Shah Saud said that a 12-year-old girl was killed in the floods and her body has been recovered while several houses were also washed away in the floods.

Shah Saud said that Yar Khun and Bargheel Pass roads are closed for traffic while relief activities will be started in the affected area. The situation has returned to normal.

He said that more than 15 houses have been affected by the floods and 60 tents have been set up for the victims.

On the other hand, Director Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar said that 13 people injured in roof collapse in Chitral were brought to the hospital yesterday out of which the condition of 4 injured is critical.

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