Donald Trump's former lawyer has revealed his most embarrassing secrets.


Former President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, John Bolton, wrote the book and exposed President Trump's rhetoric. Then President Trump's own niece, Mary Trump, wrote a book against him, calling him a liar and a selfish person, as well as many other revelations, and now another person very close to President Trump has written a book against him. And there are more shocking revelations against President Trump than in the first two books. According to Mail Online, the man is Michael Dan Cohen, a US lawyer who served as President Donald Trump's attorney from 2006 to 2018. He has also served as Vice President of the Trump Organization and as a personal adviser to President Trump.

Michael Cohen's most recently published book is called Disloyal, which will hit the market in September this year, but pre-bookings have begun and some excerpts from the book have surfaced. Michael Cohen has revealed that Donald Trump has committed tax fraud and Michael Cohen himself helped him in this fraud. At one point in the book, Michael Cohen makes the embarrassing revelation that he has seen President Trump perform the "Golden Shower" (urinating on a person's body for sexual gratification). President Trump made this embarrassing move at a sex club.

Michael Cohen has also revealed that President Trump often lies to his wife Melania. In his book, Michael Cohen also admits that he helped President Trump create a secret back channel for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. When Michael Cohen first released the teaser for his book, Attorney General Bill Beer filed a lawsuit against him and put him in jail. Cohen's release was ordered and he was released from prison. The court also ruled that Michael Cohen could not only speak to the media but also release his book and that the government could not stop him. Michael Cohen was previously charged with campaign finance violations and lying to Congress, in which he was sentenced to 3 years in prison, of which he spent only 1 year in prison and in May this year. He was released from prison in the United States because of the risk of contracting the corona virus.

In his book, Michael Cohen also calls President Trump a racist and a deceiver. "I know Trump better than his family," writes Michael. I have seen Trump in clubs and I know he is a big fraud. Behind him were contacts with Russian President Putin, and we had rigged the presidential election at his request. We prepared custom survey reports on Trump's orders. An IT firm was heavily funded for this purpose.

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