Do trees migrate? Surprising revelations came to light.

Trees are the beauty of the earth. In addition to being useful to the human brain, they are home to many wildlife species. It is a fact that trees are synonymous with each other.

 Billions upon trillions of trees

There are 11 trillion trees on earth, according to global research. These trees belong to six million species. Some trees are becoming scarce. Most trees are found in Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia. Forty-six percent of the trees have fallen since the beginning of human civilization.

Trees also migrate

Trees can't take root out of the ground, but their clusters change their location in the face of climate change. Especially as the drought progresses, they gradually move to higher rainfall areas.

Useful for urban atmosphere

Where trees provide shade inside cities, they also cause a drop of at least five degrees Celsius in seasonal temperatures. They also block the harmful rays of the sun.

Absorption of harmful substances from the air

Trees absorb carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere and release oxygen, which is a very useful process for humans. The leaves of trees are especially capable of absorbing toxic gases from the atmosphere, such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.

A sign of health

Trees also help reduce stress, anxiety and depression in humans and thus bring happiness and joy. Flowers or green leaves also cause a decrease in human blood pressure. They strengthen the body's immune system.

Trees also talk to each other

Forests have their own communication system. It's almost like an underground baby internet. Fungi on the ground help in messaging. In case of famine or any disease, they regularly send messages to distant trees.

Trees also send messages from the wind

Trees can't fly, but in trouble they release chemicals and organic compounds into the atmosphere, which they tell their nearby trees about their trouble. Many times to protect their leaves from animals, they release extra chemical compounds that make the leaves bitter.

Seek help

Whenever trees are exposed to insects or parasites, they report small invaders (they are also insects) flying in the insect-eating atmosphere. Apart from apples, such trees include tomato plant, cucumber vine and bean plant.

A long-lived tree

There are also trees or plants that have any kind of ancient life on earth. Many trees live up to a hundred or several hundred years. The oldest tree is found in the White Mountain area of ​​the US state of California. Its name is Methocela. He is about four thousand eight hundred and fifty years old. It is protected from deforestation.

The tallest tree

This image also fails to reflect the world's tallest tree. The tallest tree is found in the Redwood coastal area. This tallest tree is called Hyperion. Its height is about one hundred and sixteen (115.86) meters or three hundred and eighty feet. It was discovered in 2006 in the US state of California.

Record-making tree

There is another strange tree in California. It belongs to the Sequoia type but is called General Sherman. It is the largest tree in the world by its size. Its height is about eighty-four meters and its trunk thickness is about eight meters. The tree in the picture is in the Mexican state of Oaxaca and the trunk is 11 and a half meters thick.

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