Corona virus, patient in India took extreme steps

Corona patients continue to commit suicide in India, another patient ended his life by jumping from the fifth floor of a hospital in Punjab.

According to the details, a series of deaths of corona patients by jumping from the roofs of hospitals or quarantine centers has been continuously coming to light. She committed suicide.

According to ARY News, the patient's name is Soren Singh who was a resident of Sandpura village. Soren Singh was admitted to the hospital on August 15 but this morning he jumped from the fifth floor of the hospital to save his life. Finished.

Police has taken the body of the deceased into custody and sent it to the concerned hospital for postmortem and further investigation is underway to find out the cause of the suicide.

It is noteworthy that even before this, there have been cases of suicide of Corona patients from several states of India. Earlier, on August 11, a Corona patient hanged himself in a Hyderabad hospital.

In addition, in Delhi, Maharashtra and Bihar, many patients ended their lives by jumping from the roofs of Corona Centers or hospitals. In most cases, it was revealed that people lost their lives due to depression.

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