Corona virus can travel up to 5 meters in the air.

The University of California study found that tiny particles emitted from a mouth or nose full of cod 19 can stay in the air for a long time and can make more people sick during that time.

Scientists at the University of Florida's Health Shands Hospital isolated the virus from infected patients at a distance of 4.8 meters.

The results are important because a distance of 2 meters is currently recommended for social distance, which researchers say gives people a false sense of security and can lead to many epidemics. ۔

Scientists around the world have been debating for months how the particles emitted from the mouth or nose stay in the air and contribute to the spread of the corona virus.

The results of the study, which has not yet been published in a medical journal, suggest that the findings reinforce the idea that code 19 can be spread through the air.

According to research, the methods currently being used to prevent the spread of Code 19 include social distance, use of face masks and hand hygiene.

Some medical experts say the results need to be carefully considered because it is not yet clear whether the amount of virus that the researchers isolated was enough to make anyone sick.

Shelley Miller, an expert at the University of Colorado, said: "It is very difficult to collect samples of biological material from the air, so we have to be more prudent in dealing with such samples.

During the research, the scientists collected samples from 2 meters and 4.8 meters in the patients' room in the hospital.

They were able to collect the virus from both distances, and laboratory tests showed that the samples were sufficient to infect the cells.

The researchers did not use the medical method used in the past by the World Health Organization to identify the spread of the disease from the air.

Nevertheless, due to the isolation of the virus in air samples, scientists believe that the risk of the virus spreading within the walls is higher than previously thought.

According to research, given the growing number of cases around the world, there is a need for clear guidance on measures regarding airborne particles.

It should be noted that since the onset of the Corona virus epidemic, the WHO has taken the position that the virus can only be spread through particles emitted from the mouth or nose, which can be as large as human hair, but this aerosol Or larger and heavier than very small particles floating in the air.

However, for the first time in July, the World Health Organization recognized that the new corona virus could spread through the air in a room with poor air and reach people more than 6 feet away.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said there is no evidence outside hospitals that the Novel Corona virus can swim long distances or travel long distances, meaning it is safe to travel a few feet away from other people. This is considered an important precaution.

But in early July, hundreds of medical experts wrote an open letter to the World Health Organization asking it to reconsider its position, following which the WHO issued new scientific recommendations on the spread of the corona virus.

Following the letter, new guidelines issued by the World Health Organization said: "Incidents of Code 19 collective cases have been reported in some closed areas such as restaurants, places of worship, clubs or places where people shout, speak or sing." ۔

According to the WHO, "in closed areas where the number of people is high and the air drainage system is poor and infected people spend more time with other people, the possibility of the virus spreading from the air is not ruled out." Can go

The World Health Organization (WHO) says more research is needed to better understand the spread of the corona virus and how it can spread over long distances in confined spaces, but no published research has yet proven this. has been.

The new recommendations mention four high-walled locations at high risk for the spread of the virus: song practice, restaurants or fitness classes, all have some common features, they are crowded, the air drainage system. It's bad when people can spend more time with the victims there.

However, the World Health Organization has not yet explicitly declared the corona virus to be airborne.

The agency said the details of a large number of cases at a particular location indicated that the particles emitted from the mouth and their presence on the surface could also lead to the transmission of the virus from one person to another, while cleaning Not taking care of, avoiding social distance and not using face masks can also be factors that contribute to the spread.

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