Canadian Finance Minister announces resignation after differences with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Canada's finance minister has announced his resignation following a spat with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a charity scandal.

Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau has been accused of failing to reimburse travel expenses for a charity, telling the media he received a check after realizing he had not paid 41 41,000. Has written He said he did not consider himself fit to play a role in Justin Trudeau's cabinet.

Bill Morneau added that he had been told in a meeting with the Prime Minister that he would not run in the next election. He said that the next finance minister would need a long time to handle the country's economy due to the Corona epidemic.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family are also under scrutiny for joining the charity. Bill Morneau has been in Justin Trudeau's cabinet since 2015 when he first took over as prime minister.

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