Britney Spears wants to end father's patronage.

Leading American pop singer, actress, dancer, social leader and producer Britney Spears, 38, has asked a US court to stop her father from sponsoring her.

Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears, has been her legal guardian since 2008.

A US court has appointed Britney Spears as her guardian under the Conservatorship Act in 2008 after her mental state deteriorated.

The court had appointed legal guardians for the singer after the court found that Britney Spears could not handle her own financial and physical affairs and was not feeling well due to her poor mental condition.

The actress's second marriage ended when she divorced 42-year-old singer Kevin Federline and faced legal issues and complications in delivering her two young children.

Due to the end of the divorce of the second marriage and the grief of not being able to have children, the actress had suffered from mental problems and mental problems were increasing with her.

Due to the increase in mental problems, Britney Spears' attitude towards the public and fans had also become inappropriate. His father and a lawyer were appointed as his guardians.

Her father, James Spears, and lawyer, Andrew Walt, have been her mentors until last year, and for the past 12 years, she has been deciding on the actress' wealth, health, mental state, relationships and all aspects of her life.

However, his father resigned from the post of chief guardian last year due to ill health and his lawyer also resigned from his responsibilities last year.

The court then appointed Juddy Montgomery as caretaker chief minister for a short period, ending his term before August 25.

The case was taken to the Supreme Court in Los Angeles, California, before the expiration of Britney Spears' patronage, and its first hearing took place on July 22 last month.

Now, on the occasion of the second hearing, Britney Spears has filed a written petition in the court that her father James Spears should not be appointed as her guardian.

According to the Associated Press (AP), Britney Spears took a stand in a petition filed in court on August 17 that her father should not be appointed as her guardian.

Instead of blaming her father, Britney Spears asked the court that she no longer wanted James Spears as her guardian.

The singer and actress also appealed to Judy Montgomery to be their patron saint.

The singer has been overseen by patrons for 12 years. Photo: Instagram

In her petition, the actress made it clear that although she wanted to appoint Judy Montgomery as her mentor, this did not mean that she would now look after all her affairs.

In court, Britney Spears also strongly opposed the appointment of her father as superior guardian for unknown reasons.

According to the showbiz website Variety, the singer has been paying her father up to US ایک 130,000 a year to fulfill her responsibilities as a high patron.

However, in 2018, Britney Spears' patronage fees and other legal expenses reached 11 1.1 million.

It is believed that Britney Spears started singing at an early age and released her first music album at the age of just 18, which became popular as soon as she arrived.

Britney Spears achieved great success in a very short period of time due to her voice, dance and beauty and she remained a popular singer till 2004.

Britney Spears is also known for her bold performances.

Britney Spears married her childhood friend and classmate Jason Allen Alexander in 2004. However, just a few days later, they legally annulled their marriage, but they later formally divorced.

A few years later, he married Kevin Federline, with whom he had two sons, but the couple divorced in early 2008, after which the singer began to have mental problems.

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