Biden nominates Kamala Harris as vice presidential candidate


US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has chosen Kamala Harris as his vice presidential candidate. Kamala Harris' name will be confirmed at the Democratic convention. Kamalahari has been aspiring for the presidency.

Kamala Harris is the first black Democrat to run for vice president. Kamala Harris is a senator from California who has sharply criticized Biden in the past.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden said he was honored to have elected Kamala Harris, the country's best public servant.

"I've seen my son and Kamala Harris fight the big banks, I've seen them improve people's lives, I've seen my son and Kamala save women and children from exploitation," he said. I used to be proud and I am still proud to have Kamla as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Joe Biden and his vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, will address the event tomorrow. The US presidential election will be held on November 3. President Trump will face Joe Biden.

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