Bad news for Indians IT Professionals, Donald Trump bans the hiring H1-B visa holders for federal contracts

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Bad news for Indian IT professionals, US President Donald Trump on Monday (August 3, 2020) approved an executive order prohibiting federal agencies from hiring H1-B visa holders for federal contracts.

Previously on June 23, President Trump had signed an order suspending the H-1B visas along with other types of foreign work visas until the end of 2020. The Trump management had justified the move saying it was done to protection the American workers in the time of COVID-19. The new restrictions came into influence from June 24.

The H-1B visa is most required-after among Indian IT professionals as it permits US companies to hire foreigners for jobs which needs theoretical or technical expertise.

President Trump asserted that he will not tolerate sacking of American workers in the pursuit of cheap foreign labour.

"As we speak, we're finalizing the H-1B parameter so that no American workers be interchanged ever again. H-1B should be used for top highly paid capacity to create American jobs, not as inexpensive labour programmes and destroy American job,” said Trump.

It is to be noted that the chair of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Skip Thompson has been fired by President trump for hiring foreign workers. Trump said that he will also fire other board members of TVA if they keep on hire foreign workers. President Trump took the decision after TVA declared that it would outsource 20% of its technology jobs to companies based in foreign countries. 

Trump also ordered the TVA board to hire a new chief executive officer who “puts the interests of Americans first.” According to Trump, the candidate CEO Jeff Lyash earns $8 million a year.

“The new CEO must be paid no more than $500,000 a year. We want the TVA to take action on this immediately. ... Let this serve as a warning to any federally appointed board: If you give up American workers, you will hear two words: ‘You’re fired,’ Trump said. 


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