Arsenal beat Chelsea to win the FA Cup

In the final of the FA Football Cup, Arsenal won the title by defeating Chelsea by one goal to two. Arsenal team has won the FA Cup for the 14th time.

The FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium in England was very interesting, with the 139th edition of the tournament featuring Arsenal and Chelsea football teams competing.

The final of the tournament between the two teams was very tough and thorny, Chelsea's Polisak scored early in the game.

In the 28th minute of the match, the mistake of the captain of Chelsea gave a penalty to Arsenal, on which the striker Obamayang equalized the score by scoring a goal.

In the second half of the game, the players of both teams attacked each other, on this occasion the players of Arsenal made an interesting move, the striker Obamayang scored another goal to give the lead, which lasted until the end of the game and Arsenal Took the title

Arsenal have won the FA Cup for the 14th time, while Chelsea have won the FA Cup eight times.

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