Adding a few new features to Instagram.


Instagram has found a new way to keep its users lost in the app all the time, and that is to make the feed unlimited.

Facebook-owned Photo App has quietly introduced a new Suggested Posts feature.

This feature will automatically present new content to users when all updates are viewed while scrolling.

Interestingly, these suggested posts will appear when the user gets the message that he has seen all the feed updates.

This feature was introduced in Instagram 2 years ago to prevent people from wasting more time in the app, but now it seems that competition with the better tick algorithm is more important for Instagram.

The Suggested Posts feature will now combine automatic recommendation and advertising, and according to Instagram, the reason for introducing it was the desire for more posts from users.

On the other hand, Instagram has also introduced a feature of QR codes which is similar to last year's semi-tags but there is a noticeable difference.

Previously, the QR code could only be used with the Instagram app's camera. Now, this will be possible with any camera that reads the QR code.

The purpose of this feature is to provide users with a direct shortcut to access their friends' profiles.

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