A father who chained his son and lived a quiet life with 3 wives has been arrested.

A father has been arrested in the African country of Nigeria for chaining his 11-year-old son to a chicken coop and leading a luxury life with three wives. According to the Daily Star, the baby's name is Jabreen Ali, who has been chained for the past two years and kept in a large chicken coop where hens lived with him.

Police spokesman Nefio Abu Bakr said: "We have received information that the child was taken into custody, which was raided and the father and his three wives were arrested. His father has been married three times and was living a very rich life. The child was suffering from severe malnutrition. He was rushed to a hospital where he is being treated. The baby's mother died two years ago. Immediately after his death, he was chained. One of the child's half-brothers, who was living a good life at home with his parents, told police that the child had epileptic seizures, so he was chained so that he would not be lost. According to the police, this statement of the child's half-brother seems to be false because if it had happened, the child would not have been locked in a chicken coop outside the house but would have been kept inside the house and his food would have been taken care of.

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