The world's thinnest endoscope capable of penetrating into tiny veins

Adelaide: German and Australian scientists have invented the world's thinnest endoscope using 3D printing, which can be inserted into the veins to obtain images of the inside of these veins.

It should be noted that the endoscope is a medical diagnostic device which consists of a special type of thin, flexible and long catheter. A small camera is mounted on the front of it, which is used to take pictures and filming the internal parts of the human body.

The thinner the endoscope, the thinner it can be inserted into the veins and body vessels.
Scientists from the University of Adelaide, Australia and the University of Stuttgart, Germany have worked together to use "3D microprinting", which is also the most advanced and sensitive technology of 3D printing.

Using these and other related technologies, they have developed an endoscope with a total width of only 457 micrometers, or less than half a millimeter. The lens made for this endoscope with the help of 3D microprinting is only 123 micrometers wide.

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