The World Health Organization recommends a change in the way Corona is treated

BERLIN - The World Health Organization (WHO) says there is no truth in rumors of an end to the Corona epidemic because Corona is still with us and is affecting people on a daily basis.

According to the International News Agency, World Health Organization spokeswoman Margaret Harris has expressed concern over the resurgence of corona cases in Germany, saying that the reason for the resurgence of corona cases in countries like Germany is the non-compliance with SOPs. Is.

Margaret Harris added that dividing or describing the corona epidemic in the first, second or third wave is a misleading practice because the corona virus has never gone back to a wave, it is with us all the time and we Have to live with it
Margaret Harris, a spokeswoman for the World Health Organization, suggested that we must understand that we are entering a new era in which we are facing a deadly virus and that we need to change our ways.

It should be noted that in many countries, including the United States, Brazil, Mexico and Germany, the number of victims of the Corona epidemic has dropped significantly and new cases have increased again.

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