The first 'Islamic mattress' was introduced in Pakistan

پاکستان میں پہلا ’اسلامی گدا‘ متعارف کرا دیا گیا

The first Islamic mattress was introduced in Pakistan. According to the details, we have heard the word Islamic with the names of food items in Pakistan before, but a mattress called Islamic mattress has been introduced in the market. A well-known mattress maker claims to have introduced for the first time in Pakistan an Islamic mattress designed for the comfort of people who sleep on their right side or back while adopting Islamic principles.
An official of the company told a private TV channel that the ass would be helpful for people who observe Islamic practices while sleeping.

He said that sleeping on the right side keeps the heart upwards which helps in waking up before sunrise for Fajr prayers. Pictures regarding this mattress have also gone viral on social media. Says the company has nothing to do with the advertisement.

This scientifically based mattress is suitable for all sizes and is in accordance with Islamic principles. This mattress has also become an adornment of the market at this time. The details of this mattress have been advertised on the company's website. However, he did not specify what kind of barrier his company's mattress posed, unlike other mattresses, if he slept left or upside down. On the other hand, when the picture of this mattress went viral on social media, there was a mixed reaction from the users.

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