The drug addict swallowed the knife when he could not find the drug.

In India, a drug addict swallowed a knife used in the kitchen when he could not find drugs, which doctors operated on and safely removed.

According to the Indian news agency ANI, a 28-year-old man from Haryana was addicted to hashish and doctors said that he had swallowed a knife a month and a half ago when he could not find hashish.

Doctors added that he was living a normal life even after swallowing a knife and his family was unaware of the situation.

However, a month and a half later, when he started feeling severe pain in his abdomen, his family took him to the hospital and when the X-ray report came, everyone was surprised that the patient had a 20 cm long knife in his abdomen.

Later, doctors from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi operated and removed the knife safely from the body.

The doctor said that the surgery was very difficult and the knife had reached near the man's liver and it took about 3 hours for the operation to remove the knife from the patient's abdomen.

The doctor added that the surgery was very complicated because the knife was close to the blood vessels between the liver and the leaf and the slightest mistake could endanger the patient's life so everything was done very carefully.

The doctor said that first the radiologists cleared the pus from the lungs and liver of the patient to prevent further spread of the infection, then after consulting a psychiatrist, he was given supplements so that he could endure this complicated surgery.

During the operation, the patient was kept under observation but was shifted to the ward where his condition is improving.

Doctors said this was the first case in which a patient had swallowed a knife and his life was safe, otherwise he would have seen only swallowing needles, pins and fish hooks.

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