
The dream of space tourism is about to become a reality and Virgin Galactic has introduced the design of the passenger cabin of its spaceship 2, which gives an indication of how people will be able to orbit the earth with rocket-powered rides. ۔

The company was founded by Richard Branson in 2004 and had hoped to launch a manned spaceflight in 2009, but the system proved difficult to develop as the financial costs were high and the 2014 test flight proved fatal. ۔

However, after 16 years of efforts, the company expects to succeed, having sold tickets to 600 people for سے 2.5 million so far.

Tourists or scientific researchers from the US state of New Mexico will be sent into space from this spaceship where they will be able to experience a few minutes of weightless, enchanting view of the Earth from space and a safe landing.
Now, the company's chief space officer, George Whitesides, says that so far 600 people have registered to be part of the space flight, while at least 400 more have expressed interest.

The date of the first commercial flight has not yet been set, but the company's founder, Sir Richard Branson, will also board.

The spaceship's passenger cabin will have multiple round windows that allow people to view space.
The aircraft will be attached to a large carrier aircraft that will take off from the New Mexico spaceport and launch the spacecraft into space during the flight, with six passengers traveling in space for 90 minutes at a time. Will be able to

Virgin Galactic faces companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin in the field of space tourism.

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