It is very easy to get rid of bad breath forever.

Would you believe that more than 80 million people worldwide suffer from bad breath?

It may not seem like a big deal, but it does make the person look ugly because most people are embarrassed by it.

It is possible to control it temporarily by doing buds, but you cannot do this everywhere, but an apple or chewing gum can stay with you at all times.

So if you also have a bad breath, the following foods can always help keep this problem at bay.

Apples or carrots
Both apples and carrots improve digestion and if the digestive system is healthy, it means that there is not much gas in the stomach which comes out through the mouth and makes the breath stink. Fresh fruits and vegetables help increase the amount of saliva combustion that washes away the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Be sure to eat vegetables
Breath odors are often the result of gastric acidity or digestive disorders, these problems do not bother when the body's immune system is strong and vegetables help to strengthen it. Green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, a deodorant.

Coriander and mint
Both relieve problems such as indigestion and heartburn, which can cause bad breath, just a few leaves after eating and that's it.

The bacteria in yogurt help the digestive system, especially in digesting dairy products, which keeps the digestive system healthy and reduces the possibility of bad breath. Compounds that accumulate in the mouth outside the digestive system also cause bad breath, but the bacteria and probiotics in yogurt control these compounds, just be careful not to contain sugar in yogurt.

Green tea
The habit of drinking green tea has many health benefits such as improving brain function and reducing the risk of various types of cancer, but it also helps reduce the risk of body odor and bad breath by removing toxins from the body. ۔ The antioxidants in green tea help fight the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Sour fruit
The citric acid in canola, malt or other sour fruits helps prevent the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.

Ginger Lemon Tea
Adding ginger to the diet prevents indigestion which is also a cause of bad breath. Even if you don't like tea, it can be beneficial to have buds in it. A combination of both ginger and lemon in the mouth. Makes the growth of harmful bacteria very difficult.

Don't forget to drink water
If the moisture in the mouth is maintained, then in fact there will be no accumulation of food particles and dead cells in the mouth, it will also stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth, there are other benefits of drinking water, so it is important to drink it in moderation. Is.

Chewing gum
If you are bothered by bad breath, chewing gum can also be used to get rid of it.

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