How does the most common symptom of coronavirus appear in a patient?

Temporary loss of sense of smell is one of the few early and very common symptoms of the new corona virus.

According to various research reports, this may help to better predict code 19 than more well-known symptoms such as fever or cough.

But until now, medical experts have not been able to understand why Code 19 patients lose the sense of smell or taste and what is the mechanism behind it.

Now a team of international researchers from Harvard Medical School in the United States has discovered the cause.

They have identified the types of sniffing cells that are most affected by the new corona virus.

Surprisingly, sensory neurons that transmit sensory signals to the brain are not included in these affected cells.

Research published in the journal Science Advances found that these sensory neurons do not interact with the S2 receptor protein, which the corona virus uses to enter human cells.

In contrast, S2 affects cells that provide metabolic and structural support to sensory neurons along with specific stem cells and blood vessel cells.

The results indicate that non-neuronal cell types are affected, causing the patient to lose the sense of smell.

The researchers said the results showed that the new corona virus causes changes in the sense of smell without directly affecting neurons, and that this is done by affecting the functions of helper cells.

The results indicate that in most cases the corona virus does not permanently damage the neural circuits of the sense of smell, otherwise patients would be permanently deprived of this sense.

"We think the good news is that once the disease is eradicated, neurons don't need to be replaced or rebuilt, but more data is needed to determine our findings on this mechanism," the researchers said. Could be verified.

Most patients with COD 19 experience some degree of loss of sense of smell, which is often temporary, or at least the data that is available now.

Analysis of medical records shows that patients with Code 19 are 27 times more likely to have a loss of sense of smell, but this rate is 2.2 to 2.6 times higher in cases of fever, cough or respiratory problems.

According to some research reports, the loss of sense of smell in Code 19 differs from that of people with other viral infections.

In Code 19, for example, this sensation is restored in a few weeks, while in other viral infections this period can be several months longer, directly targeting the neurons that help in the sense of smell.

"We still do not fully understand these changes, but it seems that we should focus on specific cells," the researchers said.

The results also identify neurodegenerative problems associated with code 19, and researchers believe that the virus affects brain functions by affecting nervous system cells, and more research is needed to confirm this.

Research from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in March found that sniffing was already linked to viruses, as 40 per cent of such cases were reported after a viral infection.

According to the research, the increase in the data of patients with COD 19 in many countries is a strong indication that most patients also experience loss of sense of smell during the symptoms of the disease.

In fact, most of the time, it may be the first symptom to appear, with fever being said to be the first and most common symptom.

Evidence further states that sniffing as well as loss of sense of taste was also seen in people who did not show any other symptoms of code 19 but were diagnosed with the virus.

According to a University of California study, people with sudden loss of sense of smell or taste may be 10 times more likely to develop the new Novel Corona virus than any other infection.

However, the World Health Organization has not yet updated its list of symptoms, meaning that the WHO has not updated its sense of smell or taste and chills.

According to the World Health Organization, fever is the most common symptom of the infection and is seen in about 88% of cases (this rate was reported after an analysis of 55,000 cases in China). Dry cough, fatigue, cough with thick mucus and difficulty breathing, etc.

Similarly, a study in the United States last month found that cod 19 disease, a disease caused by the novice coronavirus, damages the entire nervous system and that its neurological symptoms may precede other common symptoms.

Research from Northwestern University suggests that the early symptoms of COD 19 may be in the form of neurological symptoms and may precede a fever or other respiratory symptoms such as a cough.

The study found that approximately 50% of patients in the hospital treated for code 19 had neurological symptoms, including dizziness, headache, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, loss of smell and taste, seizures, paralysis, weakness and muscle aches. There are mentions.

The researchers said that the general public and medical experts should be aware of this, because the infection with the new novel corona virus begins with a fever, cough or possible respiratory problems, possibly initially with neurological symptoms.

The study explained the various neurological conditions that can be seen in patients with COD 19 and how to diagnose them.

Understanding this could be the key to proper medical care and treatment, the researchers said.

He said the disease can affect the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and nerves, while there are a number of different ways in which COD 19 can deactivate the nervous system.

According to researchers, the virus can also directly affect the brain and manipulations, while the immune system's response to the disease can also cause inflammation and damage to the brain and nerves.

During the study, experts analyzed all patients undergoing treatment at Northwestern Medicine and determined what types of neurological complications had occurred and how long they had lasted.

He said that because of the extent to which code 19 nerves can be formed on a long-term basis, follow-up will be continued on some patients and it will be determined whether these neurological problems are temporary or permanent.

He said it would help to know how to diagnose and treat code 19 neurological symptoms.

The results of the study were published in the Journal of Neurology.

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