Goat arrested due to breaking this law...

According to Indian media, during a routine patrol in Kanpur, police arrested a goat without a mask and arrested him and took him to the police station. When the owner of the goat reached the police station and requested for his release, on the condition that the goat would not be left on the road without a mask again, the goat was handed over to the owner.

In India, everyone is required to wear a mask and fines are imposed for violations, but the ban does not apply to animals. When the police behavior was protested on social media, the Beaconganj police station changed its position and explained that the goat owner was walking around wearing a mask and the goat was brought to the police station for his arrest.

Earlier, Saifuddin, a circle officer of the police station, had told IANS that now that people were also wearing masks on their dogs, why can't goats be worn.

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