Extremely embarrassing: 7 boys gang-raped a pet cat in Lahore, Pakistan for a week, crossed all boundaries

The doctor was quoted in a Facebook post as saying that the cat was in a critical condition when it was brought to the hospital. The cause of the terrible pain was that she could not sit, could not walk, could not eat or drink and could not sleep. Excess human sperm, blood and plastic bags were removed from the cat's body. The boys used a plastic bag to carry out this heinous act with the cat.

A Facebook post has gone viral on social media in Pakistan, claiming that a 15-year-old boy from Lahore and seven of his friends spent a week with a domestic cat. Till gang raped. Due to this heinous act of the boys, the condition of the cat became so bad that the parts of its body stopped working. The cat was reportedly taken to hospital but could not be rescued.
JFK's Facebook page called Animal Rescue and Shelter shared this post and some pictures of the cat on Sunday. By the time this post was written, more than 27,000 people had shared it. According to the post, a 15-year-old boy living in the house of a Lahore domestic cat repeatedly lusted after a week with his friends. The cat was treated to such an extent that its parts stopped working and it died.

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