Corona virus has been present in bats for how many years?

NEW YORK  - The corona virus has been found to be transmitted to humans by bats from a third animal. No one knows for sure about this third animal yet, but now in a new study, American scientists have made the shocking discovery that corona virus has been present in bats for the last 70 years. The virus first appeared in the Horseshoe species of bats in 1948 and has been circulating and thriving in bats ever since.

In the results of this study, scientists at Pennsylvania State University have expressed the danger that there could be several types of corona virus that are present in bats and can infect humans at any time. Earlier, it was reported that the virus was transmitted from bats to snakes and was transmitted to humans by eating the snake's flesh in Wuhan. The penguin was then named as the third intermediate animal, but in this study, scientists have made it clear that the corona virus was not transmitted from bats to humans through pangolins. In this study, scientists have tried to obtain information about the evolution of the corona virus by genetic analysis, which revealed that the virus was originally born in 1948 and went through an evolutionary process to reach the form that is today an epidemic. Spread across the world. During this time many mutations occurred in the virus. Therefore, the possibility cannot be ruled out that there are currently many species of bats that have the ability to move and spread to humans.

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