Corona vaccine is ready?

The Corona virus vaccine, developed by the American biotech company Moderna, has reached the third stage of its trial.

A third and extensive trial of the vaccine has been launched in which the caretaker administration will decide when it can be made available to the public if satisfactory results are obtained.

About 30,000 people are taking part in the trial of the third phase of the vaccine developed by the company.

Experts recruited 30,000 people in 87 locations across the United States for the final trial of the vaccine, including those living in high-risk areas or conditions.

The 30,000 people involved in the vaccine trial will be given two doses of the 100 microgram vaccine at four-week intervals.

This is the first vaccine in the United States to be tested for the third time. "If all goes well, the company will be able to deliver 500 million doses of the vaccine each year, and by 2021 that number could reach one billion," Moderna told the media in a statement.

The results of the first and second trials of the Corona vaccine, developed by the American company Moderna, have been encouraging.

It is hoped that the vaccine will be available by the end of this year, as the good news is that it has not caused any side effects. It is an important vaccine to fight the virus.

Modern has developed this vaccine in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, the first American vaccine whose test results have been published under the supervision of senior experts.

A small number of healthy volunteers take part in the first phase trial of any drug or vaccine to see how safe it is.

In the second stage, it is tested on people of different ages and health. The third stage involves thousands of people who decide to be effective.

The first phase of the Moderna vaccine involved 45 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 55 who were given two doses of the MRNA 1237 vaccine at 28-day intervals.

Some took part in the trial in Seattle and others in Atlanta. They were vaccinated in three different doses.

Dr. Lisa Jackson said that experience has shown that a single vaccine will not be enough for the immune system to respond to the virus.

He said that the volunteers showed mild to moderate side effects and those who were given high doses were more affected.

Research data show that the vaccine also caused antibody reactions. Antibodies are proteins that the body makes to fight viruses. Their status was the same as that seen in people recovering from covid 19.

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