Citizens sue against coronavirus laws

Citizens in Belgium have filed a lawsuit against their government, Bill Gates and a British epidemiologist for overturning laws against the corona virus.

 The lawsuit was filed in a local court by a group of 240 citizens belonging to a group called Viral Madness. It claims that lockdown is causing more deaths than the virus.

Most of the people in this group belong to the hotel and restaurant industry. They demanded the court to immediately quash all measures taken by the government against the corona virus, including lockdown.

The group, known as the Flash word 'Virusvanzeen', is constantly targeting anti-virus strategies on its website through anti-virus research.

In the lawsuit, the group questioned the accuracy and accuracy of data from those who died from the virus, claiming that the corona virus did not kill as many people during the lockdown as patients with other illnesses adopted during the lockdown. Procedures and treatments led to death due to unavailability of immediate medical facilities.

 The reasons given by the plaintiff group for involving Bill Gates and the British epidemiologist in this case are that Bill Gates was involved in and funded every vaccination project at the World Health Organization.

Dr Neil Ferguson, a British epidemiologist and resigned adviser to the British government, has been implicated in issuing false estimates of coronavirus deaths. Which was made part of the Corona Policy by the World Health Organization.

In a lawsuit filed by her lawyer, Michelle Werstratton, who herself has been infected with the virus, the group has asked the court to immediately repeal all laws enacted by the government in Corona's name.

The next date for hearing the case has been fixed by the judge on October 14.

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