Amazing real sculptures made of sea sand

اسپین کے ایندونی باستریکا کا بنایا ہوا ریت کا مجسمہ جو ہوبہو حقیقی دکھائی دیتا ہے۔ فوٹو: فیس بک پیج ایندونی

Spain: The statues of the animals in the picture are carved out of sea sand. The image of Bell is now going viral and the world is stunned to see its true face. This and similar creations have been made by a sculptor in Spain who has learned the art on his own.

Indonesian Bastrica, a sand carpenter from the Basque Country of Spain, has been painting animals on sand for the past ten years, and some people are beginning to think that these animals are real. Now his work has gained international fame. Be it marine fish or fish, they make the details of these creatures with such beauty that the viewer is amazed. Although sand sculptures are difficult to handle due to the strong winds of the coast, the Indonesians create everything very carefully.

Children and adults alike are thrilled to see his statues, and little by little, they are making extra money. What is special about Androni is that he learns from his experiences and tries to make sculptures better in new ways.

However, they show different creatures as if they are depressed or their species is in danger of survival. That is why making sculptures out of sand is not fun for them but they also want to give a message to the world through them.

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