Iranian oil tanker detonated near Saudi Arabian coast

Iranian oil tanker detonated near Saudi Arabian coast

According to Iranian media, a fire broke out after an explosion on an Iranian oil vessel near the coast of Saudi Arabia.

The tanker from Iran's national oil company NOIC reportedly was located 60 miles from the port of Jeddah when the incident took place.

The NOIC claims that the tanker was attacked with a missile, but no evidence was provided by the agency in this regard.

It is reported that the explosion affected two central parts of the tanker oil reservoir, which also caused oil leakage in the Pacific Ocean. However, no casualties were reported in the incident.

Iranian media quoted the company as saying that after the explosion, the tanker fire was extinguished and oil leakage was also restricted.

Iran's state-owned TV has identified the oil carrier as 'Snopa'. Tanker Trackers, a company that monitors ships travel, says the tanker has been used to supply oil to the Syrian government despite international sanctions.

Iranian oil tanker detonated near Saudi Arabian coast

US officials also blamed Iran for the attacks on six oil tankers in the Persian Gulf during the months of May and June and July.
The explosion occurred in an Iranian tanker near the Saudi Arabian border in a situation where tensions between the two countries are strained.

Last month, Saudi Arabia was hit by drones and cruise missiles at Baqqi and Khairsh destinations in Saudi Arabia and was blamed by Saudi Arabia on Iran.

Earlier, US officials blamed Iran for the attacks on six oil tankers in the Persian Gulf in the months of May and June and July.

However, Iran has denied all these allegations.

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