Bollywood's 'Dimple Girl' actress Deepika Padukone has said that Corona not only affected her mental health but the epidemic also changed her physical constitution.
Deepika Padukone contracted corona in May 2021 along with her parents and sister and she had been suffering from the disease for three weeks.
At the time, there were reports that Deepika Padukone did not have many symptoms of corona and it was not her turn to be taken to hospital, but now she has said that she had different and serious symptoms from other family members.
While talking to 'Film Campaign' about her showbiz career, Deepika Padukone also shared her thoughts on suffering from corona and life after the epidemic.
The actress said that after Corona, not only her life but the life of the whole world has changed and like other people, at first she did not understand what would happen but now that everything is done, her life Has also changed.
According to Deepika Padukone, during the first wave of Corona in India, when the first lockdown was implemented, people's thoughts and preferences were different, while during the second lockdown, people's thinking was different.
She said that like other people, she was worried about what would happen in the first lockdown and she spent the first time with her husband actor Ranveer Singh.
According to Deepika Padukone, however, as soon as the second lockdown started, she came to her parents and at the same time she became a victim of Corona along with her entire family and their life changed completely.
Talking about the changes in the disease, she said that Corona had severe effects on his mental and physical health and he had different symptoms than other family members.
According to Deepika Padukone, although she had recovered from Corona in a few weeks, the epidemic had severely affected her mental health during treatment and her mind had stopped working.
In this regard, he added that Corona also changed her body composition and at that time she could not recognize her own body.
According to Deepika Padukone, Corona may have been given drugs during her treatment that changed her physique and made it difficult for her to recognize her body.
The Bollywood actress said that she had not done any work for two months after recovering from Corona because her mind had stopped working.
According to Deepika Padukone, her life changed after Corona but now she is slowly returning to normal.