WhatsApp, the most popular messaging application, said in its first monthly transparency report released under India's information technology laws that it closed 2.9 million accounts in one month.
According to The Hindu, these accounts were closed for a period of one month between May 15 and June 15, according to WhatsApp.
"Our primary focus is on preventing accounts from sending malicious or malicious messages," the WhatsApp said.
The messaging application said: "We used high capabilities to identify accounts that were sending high or abnormal rates of messages from May 15 to June 15 to prevent abuse. Meanwhile, 2 million such accounts were banned in India alone.
WhatsApp says 95% of these bans are imposed without permission or sending too many messages, which is called spam.
According to the application, "we automatically block most of these accounts without relying on any user reports."
According to WhatsApp, an average of 8 million accounts are blocked or disabled globally a month.
According to the report, complaints or issues continued to be pointed out by various parties during this period.
The company also received 345 requests for account closure, product support, account support, and safety support.
WhatsApp management has been asked for help by 70 accounts, while 204 have been banned, the company has closed 63 of them.