What women really want in men

What do women prefer in men for relationships? An Australian expert has finally answered that question. According to Mail Online, the dating coach named Levin Ward, a resident of Perth, Australia, conducted a survey on Facebook in which he asked women what qualities they like to have in a relationship with men. In terms of personality, 19.6% of women said that they like sense of humor more than men, while 27.3% of women said that they see men's eyes first. If the eyes are attractive, they agree to have a relationship with them.

According to the report, in terms of personality, 18.3 per cent women preferred loyalty and masculinity, 17 per cent honesty, 14.37 per cent intelligence and 12.4 per cent kindness. In terms of shape, 21% of women preferred smile, thirdly, 18.75% preferred healthy and beautiful teeth, fourthly, 18.75% preferred height, and fifthly, 14.1% preferred male genitals. Based on these things, they choose a spouse.

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