Police officials said that Maulana Adil Khan, the superintendent of Farooqia University and Darul Uloom Karachi and the central head of the Federation of Madrassas, and the driver were not a threat, adding that the incident should not be described as sectarian.
Additional Inspector General (IG) Karachi Ghulam Nabi Memon has revealed that the three assailants who fired on Maulana Adil Khan, superintendent of Farooqia University and head of Darul Uloom Karachi and Federation of Madrassas, were riding on the same motorcycle.
Talking to media after visiting the site of Shama Shopping Center near Shah Faisal Colony No. 2, Additional IG Karachi said, "Maulana Adil was attacked by three assailants. The three assailants fled on a motorcycle after firing." He said that Maulana Adil and driver Maqsood were killed in the firing incident.
He said that the incident of firing took place around 7.30 pm. Maulana Adil's colleague Umair was fortunately safe. The police chief said that there was no threat to Maulana Adil. However, in terms of sectarianism, the scholars are usually threatened. They are investigating various aspects of the incident.
In addition, IG Sindh Police Mushtaq Mehr presented a preliminary report of the incident to the Chief Minister of Sindh in which it was stated that Maulana Adil Shama stopped near the shopping center, one of his companions went to buy something, during which 2 motorcyclists Maulana Sahib was fired upon.
According to the initial report, 5 shots were fired, Maulana Adil and his driver Maqsood were killed in the firing. Maulana's companion Umair was not harmed.
Raja Umar Khattab, in-charge of Counter Terrorism Department, while talking to media after visiting the spot, said, "Terrorists targeted Maulana Adil after chasing him. When the vehicle stopped, the attackers got off the motorcycle." One of the assailants swerved his bike from the U-turn and brought it to the other side of the road.
Raja Umar Khattab said that five shells found at the scene have also been given to the forensic, whose report will reveal whether the firing was done with a pistol or with a separate pistol, only anti-national elements could be involved in the incident. Omar Khattab requested that the incident not be given a sectarian color.
On the other hand, Sindh Governor Imran Ismail took notice of the murder of Maulana Adil and demanded a report of the incident from Commissioner Karachi and Additional IG.
Imran Ismail deplored the attack on Maulana Adil and said that the police should take steps to arrest the culprits.