
UN declares World Day to Fight Islamophobia

Prime Minister Imran Khan called on the United Nations to observe the International Day to Fight Islamophobia, saying that Islamophobia was being promoted in India under the auspices of the government.

Addressing the 75th Annual Meeting of the UN General Assembly via video link, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that this global pandemic was the best opportunity for us to bring humanity closer but unfortunately it did not happen but increased mutual hatred. Wind and Islamophobia rose. Our shrines were destroyed all over the world, the Holy Prophet was insulted, the Holy Quran was burned, recently Charlie Hebdo released insulting sketches, all this is being done in the name of freedom of expression.

He demanded that the United Nations declare an international day to fight Islamophobia.

Referring to Islamophobia in India, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that there is a country in the world where government-sponsored Islamophobia is being promoted, this is India where the ideology of RSS is running, RSS The founders of the S were influenced by the Nazis, the RSS is the enemy of Muslims and Christians, they believe that India belongs only to the Hindus. In 1992, the RSS martyred the Babri Masjid, in 2002, 2,000 Muslims in Gujarat. Martyred under Modi's leadership, 2 million Muslims in Assam are unjustified due to controversial citizenship law, Muslims accused of spreading corona virus, denied medical aid and traded with them Was boycotted.

He warned the United Nations that the ongoing Hindutva policies in India target 300 million people, including Muslims, Christians and other minorities.


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