Bollywood actress Poonam Pandey has accused her husband Sam Bombay of violence just 21 days after her marriage.
According to SpotBoy, Poonam Pandey, who married producer Sam Bombay three weeks ago, filed a complaint with the police in Goa on Monday alleging violence against her husband. At the request of the actress, the police arrested Sam Bombay but he was later released on bail. Poonam Pandey says she has decided to end her marriage with Sam Bombay.
Talking to Times of India, Poonam Pandey said that she had an argument with her husband in Goa after which Sam tortured her the worst. "She tortured me so much that I thought I would die. "He punched me in the face, hit my head on the corner of the bed and severely beat me. I somehow managed to get out of the room, after which the hotel staff called the police and arrested him."
Poonam Pandey said she had to go to the hospital several times during her three-year relationship with Sam, "Because we loved each other, I kept quiet about the violent relationship."
Announcing her marriage to Sam Bombay, the actress said: "I have no intention of going back to her this time, I don't think it would be a good idea to go back to someone who cares about the outcome. Kill like animals without doing.