The arrival of this news immediately after the PC is a proof that the arrow is on the right target, Omar has spent a long time in politics, he is not afraid of these things, he will continue his mission without fear.
According to details, addressing the Central Council of JUI, Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that we cannot be intimidated by the arrests of NAB but they should be afraid of us, they will fulfill everything you have written in my name. The NAB has carried out the first attack on me today and the father of Tariq Khan who was with me has been called and arrested by the NAB. But these are Jamiat workers. They are not members of any compliment gang. Got it, we have no fear, we were waiting for you to tease us so that we can have a chance to do it with both hands. I have been accused in the past and are still being accused today. I also wrote a lot against me, how many plazas, how many factories, how many hotels and how many worlds. From day one, the NAB has been of the view that it was created for revenge.
He said that the Army Chief had invited the parliamentary leaders of the National Assembly last week with reference to Gilgit-Baltistan, where all the parliamentary leaders unanimously rejected his proposals. Here the nation is being given the impression that politicians have expressed a desire to meet, I am a responsible man, I have not commented on the words of such people but the leadership of the army should explain so much that they are speaking on their own or Are they speaking as their spokespersons? If they are speaking as their spokespersons, then we also have the right to bring all the facts before the nation.