German court rejects ban on loudspeakers
A Christian couple living in Germany filed a petition in the court to block the call to prayer on a loudspeaker, which was decided by the court on September 23, five years later.
The court dismissed the case and allowed the call to prayer over loudspeakers.
According to the report of the French news agency, the call to prayer was being given on the loudspeaker from the mosque located in the city of Ower Erkinsk in the state of Rhine-Westphalia.
The Christian couple and the locals filed a petition in the court in 2015 after which the call to prayer on the loudspeaker was immediately banned.
The Muslim community hired lawyers to defend the case, who won by presenting their full case in court.
The court, while dismissing the petition, remarked that the petitioner's objection was not admissible as people of other religions also use loudspeakers for worship.
Presiding Judge Annette Claus Chantiger said in his ruling: "We must accept the call to prayer so that everyone knows that the people trust each other. There was no basis for this request. It was demanded.