What part of the body most affected by coronavirus?
10:22 PM 0
U.S. experts say the coronavirus is damaging patients' kidneys, with one study reporting that nearly 50 percent of patients with epidemics have kidney failure.
According to a report by a foreign news agency, experts in a hospital in New York City, USA, prepared a research report. He had never had any kidney disease before.
According to the report, the researchers conducted research on 4,000 crore patients from February to May this year and also collected patient data, during which time it was found that 46% of the said persons have stopped kidney function.
According to the research study, 82% of the patients in 46% had never had a kidney problem. In view of this situation, experts have warned that corona can cause severe damage to the kidneys of patients.
Keep in mind that a recent study also found that corona causes the most damage to the lungs, which is why corona is the biggest symptom of breathing problems.
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