Previously, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated that only those who are sick or caring for someone who is sick and unable to wear a mask should wear one themselves. The Surgeon General even tweeted on Feb. 29 for people to stop buying masks, saying “they are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.”
At the time, the U.S. was only starting to see coronavirus cases pop up. Now, it is the global leader in the number of cases at more than 200,000.
“The idea is that by everyone wearing a conscious sort of face covering, you are decreasing the amount of germs that you’re basically spewing into the environment,” Grayson said. “Certainly in other countries, especially in Asia, where we see much lower transmission rates of the virus, there is a lot of mask wearing.”
Confirmed coronavirus cases globally. (David Foster/Yahoo Finance)
A scientific panel reportedly told the White House that research is indicating that the virus is spread not only by coughing or sneezing, but also just by talking or possibly even breathing.
“While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing,” Committee Chairman Dr. Harvey Fineberg said.
And CDC Director Robert Redfield recently revealed that as many as 25% of individuals could be asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus. Desai noted that the U.S. is likely going to start seeing government support for everyone wearing masks, due to the number of asymptomatic individuals.
“By wearing a mask, what it really comes down to is: Does that help prevent you from touching your face?” he said. “And I think overall, the answer’s gonna be Yes. Generally speaking, when you have a mask on your face, it prevents you from touching your face.”
Clad in gloves and a mask, a woman walks dogs in the Rosslyn neighborhood on Wednesday April 01, 2020 in Arlington, VA. (Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
More and more states have implemented mandatory stay-at-home measures aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus and preventing health care professionals from being overwhelmed with patients. But for those who need to go outside for essential activities like grocery shopping or visiting a doctor, masks could make it feasible to venture outdoors without being at major risk of catching the virus.
“The masks are helpful in terms of decreasing spread in the community,” Dr. Tom Tsai, a health policy professor at Harvard University, said on Yahoo Finance’s YFi PM.
At the same time, Tsai added, “what’s better than wearing masks outside is staying at home inside and decreasing the risk of transmission.”